Tingling or Numbness in Your Feet or Hands?

This Gardener’s Secret Works Like “Miracle Gro” for Your Nerves

See this picture?

It’s a long-forgotten medical breakthrough from 1888. And today, it holds a clue that can help “switch off” nerve pain, for good.

If you’ve ever had to put up with burning, tingling, or numbness in your hands and feet, what you’re about to see could be a godsend.

Because the answer can help relieve all types of nerve pain… and can start working for you today. It all starts with this strange picture.

The man in this picture is anatomist Rufus Weaver, with the world’s first-ever dissected nervous system.

This strange medical breakthrough sits in Drexel University’s medical campus in Philadelphia. And while it was a medical marvel back in the 19th century, it went long forgotten.

It was Weaver’s labor of love over many months, which the dean of the medical school called, “perfectly clean and free from all extra tissues and smooth as threads of silk.” It’s still the best specimen of its kind on earth.

That’s how your nervous system looks, too.

And Somewhere in That Network of Nerves Lies a Solution to All the Nerve Pain You’re Feeling

In fact, this natural solution can help some of the worst cases of nerve discomfort out there.

Patients who used to spend their days locked in solitary confinement in their homes, because their nerve pain refused to let them into the outside world.

Where it was agony to walk…

Impossible to sleep…

Like torture to put on any shoes…

And where something as simple as grabbing a water bottle or writing a grocery list was like holding a red-hot poker.

How do I know?

Well, my name’s Dr. Marlene Merritt, director of the Merritt Wellness Center in Austin, Texas.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve earned a reputation for finding uncommon remedies for common problems.

While other doctors are putting patients on a vicious cycle of one painkiller after another – where all you end up with is more pain – my patients are saying goodbye to nerve pain once and for all.

And it starts with my strange discovery from Weaver’s 1888 experiment!

Why Your Nerve Pain Isn’t Going Away

Before you see what I discovered, let me ask you: what have you used to help lessen your nerve pain?

Because in my time, I’ve seen people with nerve discomfort do the darndest things…

Like wearing socks and sneakers to bed…

Rubbing hot peppers all over their skin…

Pulling on gloves and wool socks in the middle of summer…

And slathering their feet in oils, lotions, creams, and sprays…

All to get some sense of relief.

And if you’ve struggled with nerve discomfort, you know the unfortunate truth: All these things do is give temporary relief.

That’s why I get upset with doctors and specialists who aren’t giving their patients the full story.

They offer up band-aid solutions to manage the symptoms.

But they aren’t helping patients actually repair their nerves.

Dooming them to a lifetime of numbness, tingling, burning, or worse.

Many even tell their patients some of the worst words they can hear:

“There’s nothing that can be done.”

Well, that’s a bunch of baloney.

Now that you’re reading this exposé on the truth about nerve discomfort, you won’t have to just accept that your situation “is what it is”.

Because I’m going to lay out the straight facts.

Starting with the big clue that went undetected in medical research for over a century…

One day, looking at Rufus Weaver’s dissection, it hit me.

The nervous system looks an awful lot like the root network of many plants.

Sure, plants don’t have nerves. But plant cells, just like nerve cells, pass electrical signals between one another.

So it raised the question…

Could We Revive a Damaged Nerve Network Like We Revive a Dying Root Network?

To help find an answer, I started poring through some botany textbooks. And I began discovering some exciting similarities.

Each day, the hidden link between a plant’s root network and human’s nerve network was getting clearer. Little by little it all started coming together.

I felt like I was on a rollercoaster chasing history… no one had ever made this connection before!

And after months of long, thankless nights, it finally all paid off. Amazingly, I found we can improve nerve function in a similar way to how gardeners save dying plants. I’ll show you how in just a moment.

But the next challenge was…

How could I turn my discovery into something that folks with nerve pain could actually use every day?

You’re about to see how my quest started, with long hours of reading medical journals…

Then turned into a lucky break at a “hole-in-the-wall” Japanese lab…

Then a frightening incident that happened in the waiting room of my clinic …

And ended in a crucial choice between two seemingly similar cures.

So be sure to pay close attention!
Again, I’m Dr. Marlene Merritt.
I’m the author of the popular Natural Health Connections newsletter, which provides natural solutions to today’s most challenging health problems.

I’ve written best-selling books like Smart Blood Sugar, The Blood Pressure Solution, and The Perfect Sleep Solution.

I’m a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, so I can combine the best in natural and conventional medicine.

And I travel all over North America to teach other doctors about the latest medical breakthroughs in blood sugar, heart health, the endocrine system, and nutrition.

And most importantly for you…

I’ve helped thousands of people get blessed relief from nerve pain. And even return them back to their normal, active lives.

And I’d like to do the same for you. Because you’re not going to find the answer in any medical textbook or hear about it in your doctor’s office…

I learned from a young age that you have to look deeper to find the truth. In fact, no one should just blindly accept all mainstream health knowledge.

And I didn’t have to look any further than my father to learn that the hard way.

You see, my Dad was my hero. He helped me get through many tough times. And he was my biggest cheerleader as I was going through medical school. Unfortunately, my Dad never got to see me graduate…

He died of a heart attack just two weeks before the big day. His cardiologist was shocked, my mother and I were crushed.

After all, he’d been following his doctor’s orders, taking several medications, and eating a low-fat diet. He was even wearing a heart monitor.

He’d been doing everything right. So what happened?

Clearly, the medical establishment had failed my Dad.
From that day, I made a promise to myself and my future patients that I wouldn’t let that happen to anyone else. Or their loved ones.

I’d Had Enough!

This tragedy inspired me to help people who are given medical advice that leads them down a dead-end street.

Unfortunately, this happens all the time to folks with nerve pain.

Because until now, nerve pain has been ruthlessly difficult to treat.

Which leaves many patients with no choice but to spend their lives tied to canes, wheelchairs, and nursing homes. So…

If you suffer with nerve discomfort, this approach can be the difference between all that numbness, tingling, and burning… and getting full, normal feeling back again.

Sadly, most doctors and healthcare professionals don’t know this. Why?

Lies Are More Profitable than the Truth…

Because there are untold billions of dollars in treating nerve discomfort.

It’s big business for the medical industry. So there’s no real incentive to try to find something that can help eradicate the root causes or fix the problem.

But if patients keep taking treatments that may help mask the problem for a bit, then they’ll keep coming back for more…

And the whole system continues making money – every doctor, every pharmacy, every Big Pharma employee.

Now, well-intentioned doctors and specialists are trained to look at two things: either temporarily relieving the discomfort, or addressing the root cause — if they even know what it is.

The problem is, there are many root causes of nerve discomfort.

And even if the cause is found, it doesn’t mean you’ll repair the nerves.

It’s like turning off the water supply from a burst pipe. The source of the problem is addressed, but now you need serious repairs!

Don’t get me wrong; addressing the root cause of any ailment is the right idea. But problems often linger.

And that’s where my discovery comes into play… because it will help with the discomfort and help rebuild the nerve network.

You can try all the patches, pills, creams, TENS machines, and other procedures you like… but they won’t magically solve the problem.

But here’s the good news:

Even if you’ve been told there’s nothing you can do about it, I can tell you with confidence, there absolutely is. And it’s thanks to the surprising research I’ve uncovered.

Which is, in effect, like Miracle Gro for your nerves!

The Secret Link Between Plants and Your Nervous System

Just like the root network of a plant, your nerves need strong blood flow carrying oxygen, glucose, and other nutrients.

Without enough of those things, your nerves become malnourished… and they eventually shrivel up.

Let’s look at glucose for a second.

If you have erratic blood sugar, over time your blood vessels feeding the nerves can break down and narrow.

This chokes off the nutrients your nerves need to properly communicate with one another – and with your brain!

It’s a similar story in plants. A revealing study showed plants that tested high in glucose had stunted growth.1

That’s because high glucose interferes with the plant’s ability to turn sunlight into oxygen and energy. Plus, it brought the root network’s flow of nutrients to a crawl, further weakening the plants.2

Now let’s take a look at the roots that make up your nervous system…

Inside each of your nerves are bundles of messenger cells, called axons. Uneven levels of blood sugar can gum-up the tube that protects those nerve axons.

It can turn thick and calcified, increasing the gaps between the axons and the tube. 3

This can let small, harmful particles seep through and cause further disruptions along your nerve network. And blood vessels can leak harmful amounts of potassium into your nerves.

All this ends up garbling the messages sent between your nerve cells and your brain.

Your brain doesn’t know how to interpret what your hands and feet are actually feeling. That causes you to feel discomfort when you have no business feeling any… or numbness when you should really be in pain!

The Biggest Mistake Doctors Make When Treating Nerve Pain

Let me ask you, how has your nerve pain been treated till now?

If you’re like most people, it’s probably been about managing rather than curing.

While doctors and specialists may try to help with the numbness, burning or stinging feelings, and may try to get your blood glucose or toxin load in order, they’re not repairing the damage done to your nerve network.

But my solution does help make these critically important repairs, as you’ll see it in just a moment.

Next, let’s consider oxygen…

If a plant’s root system is starved of oxygen, the plant dies. If your nervous system is starved of oxygen, it too dies.

And what blocks oxygen? Toxins. Even normal levels of toxins can eat away at your nerves. That’s because toxins hijack oxygen which starves nerve cells.

Similarly, when plant roots get cut, nutrient supply gets interrupted. When enough of your nerves get cut off, same result.

And it’s more common than you might think. Blood sugar issues, medical procedures, poor circulation, and even a bad fall can damage your nerve network!

In my search for a solution, one nutrient kept coming up when talking about plant care.

This Nutrient Helps “Reset” Failing Nerves

It’s called thiamine, and it’s often used to help plant roots grow healthy and help re-potted plants thrive in new soil.

You may have heard of thiamine… it’s also known as vitamin B1. This was the next big clue on my search for a nerve pain solution. That’s because vitamin B1 has wonderful effects on the human nervous system.

But there’s a catch. Vitamin B1 is water-soluble, so very little of it actually gets absorbed in our bodies.

So I got to thinking…

Could there be a way for my patients to get all the benefits of vitamin B1 without, well, peeing most of it out?

If I wanted to turn nerve pain off for as many people as possible, I knew that I had to find an answer. I looked high and low.

And while there’s no “top expert” on B vitamins, I finally caught a break.

I stumbled on an unassuming Japanese lab where scientists had made a stunning discovery for anyone with nerve discomfort.

They’ve developed a safe form of thiamine that’s fat-soluble, so it stays in your body longer.

It’s called…


And just wait till you hear what it can do for your own nerve comfort and function…

A recent study in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics looked at 40 people with nerve pain.

Researchers randomly assigned half the group a benfotiamine supplement, and the other half a placebo — so neither the researchers nor the patients knew who got what!

Each group took their supplement for 3 weeks, and researchers measured any improvements in their discomfort scores.

The results were remarkable.

The group taking the Benfotiamine supplement significantly reduced their discomfort, and far more of them reported their overall condition improved versus the placebo group! 4

Better still, not a single person reported any side effects from the Benfotiamine.

More Comfort and Sensation Came Flooding Back!

In another study, 36 patients took a supplement containing Benfotiamine.
Once again, after just three weeks, participants saw significant improvement, this time in many different nerve measures.5
First, their nerve discomfort improved.

By the study’s end, those who took Benfotiamine alone went from a discomfort score of 12.8 (“severe pins and needles”) to a 7.2 (“mild pins and needles”).

And not only did they feel less nerve discomfort…

Their sensory perception improved too!

They were better able to feel the vibrations from a tuning fork that researchers struck then placed on their feet. (Tuning forks are a reliable way to gauge nerve health.)

And they were better able to feel 3 different electrical frequencies through a major nerve that runs through the lower leg, foot, and toes.

Not only were they feeling better, but their nerve network started sending healthy signals again!

So I knew that Benfotiamine was a must for my patients and readers who suffer with nerve discomfort.

But that’s not the only nutrient that healthy plants and healthy nerves have in common!

This next ingredient keeps the right information flowing smoothly along your entire nerve network, from head to toe.

If I Was Going to Create the World’s First “Off Switch” for Nerve Pain, I Knew I Had to Include This Next Nutrient…

Especially after a frightening incident with a patient of mine named Mary.

I’ll never forget the day I met Mary in my clinic…

Mary is a personal trainer and aerobics instructor. She prided herself on her health. In fact, she wouldn’t have been out of place alongside Jane Fonda in her prime.

So when I heard a bone-chilling shriek from the waiting room, I raced out of my office to help.

Mary was lying on the ground, she had fallen to the floor like a sack of potatoes. My assistant and I had to pick her up and steady her.

It was the only time I’ve needed to help a patient walk down the hall into one of the rooms. My assistant and I both needed to lift her body onto the treatment table.

Mary was in the prime of her life, active as anything, and yet her nerve pain was sucking that life right out of her.

Here was a personal trainer who earned her living being mobile, and she couldn’t even stand on her own.

That was two years ago.

Today, you probably wouldn’t even believe the miraculous recovery Mary’s had…

And it’s thanks in part to my plant research, which uncovered the next nutrient you must know.

It helps plants fend off free radicals and protect their cells… and it does the same for your cells, too!

The Hidden Nutritional Deficiency That Frays Nerve Endings

If you feel numbness, tingling, or any of the common sensations of nerve discomfort…

Chances are you have a deficiency in a critical nutrient, Vitamin B6.

Now, my patient Mary was a vegetarian. More often than not, vegetarians tend to be deficient in a handful of nutrients… and B vitamins are among the most common!

So unfortunately, Mary’s condition made sense.

You see, B6 is a critical ingredient for ensuring the messengers along your nerve network — called neurotransmitters — are traveling properly. Not just between a few nerves along the way, but literally from head to toe!

Vitamin B6 can help repair wonky nerves by potentially maintaining the coverings on your nerve endings.

In another double-blind, placebo-controlled study…

Patients who took vitamin B6 and Benfotiamine together had much faster nerve conduction speed than placebo.6

Plus, their vibration sensation from a tuning fork improved a whopping 30%!

Their results were great after just 12 weeks, but it got even better. The researchers followed nine random patients for a full nine months after the study concluded.

The result? Every one of those patients maintained the improvements in their nerve conduction speed and vibration sensation in their legs and toes!

And once again, no one had any adverse effects.

With Benfotiamine and vitamin B6, you can really get your nerves back up and humming with healthy feeling again.

Discomfort will fade…

Your neurotransmitters will be firing properly…

Everything inside the nerve network will start rounding back into form…

But the best healing occurs when you add a third nutrient that plant and human nerve networks love!

This nutrient is crucial to you feeling better, because it helps rebuild the nerve “superhighway” that healthy nerve signals travel along.

I’m talking about another B vitamin. But it’s important you get the right version of it!

Are You Making This Vitamin B Blunder?

See, you’ve probably heard of vitamin B12 before.

But but most people aren’t aware there are two different versions of vitamin B12: methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin.

And they’re not made equal. Here’s where you must be careful.

If you want to relieve nerve discomfort, regenerate a weakened nervous system, and spend the rest of your life independently, avoid cyanocobalamin!

Cyanocobalamin is an artificial version of vitamin B12.

Essentially, it’s a less potent knock-off.

It’s mildly toxic, it’s not absorbed well, and it needs to be converted by your cells into the active form of B12 your body can actually use.

Unfortunately, many supplement companies use cyanocobalamin because it’s cheap to make, and they want to cut corners.

But that doesn’t help your pain for long.

That’s why I always recommend methylcobalamin.

Methylcobalamin is already the “active” form of vitamin B12 your body loves, so it doesn’t need to be converted. This natural form of B12 strengthens your nerve network all over.

See, your nerves are covered by a special material called myelin sheath.

It’s like insulation around electrical wires.

When the myelin sheath is strong and intact, the electrical signals rushing from cell to cell move quickly, like open lanes on the freeway. Your body moves and behaves as it should.

But when the myelin sheath is weakened and ripping apart, electrical signals get jumbled up along the way. It’s like hitting roadblocks on the freeway.

Your brain gets jumbled messages and your fingers and toes don’t respond as they should.

But this is where methylcobalamin comes in.

Methylcobalamin repairs myelin sheath damage. It helps form the sheath and the precious nerve fibers inside.

And when you combine methylcobalamin with the other two powerful ingredients, Benfotiamine and vitamin B6…

It’s like Miracle Gro for your nerves!

With these 3 nutrients combined, you’d be well on your way to banishing numbness, tingling, burning and stinging.

You’d also start repairing your nerve network to get your fingers, toes and the rest of your limbs talking clearly with your brain.

And that means a life where you’re back in control… no more second-guessing what you can and can’t do!

In Just a Moment, I’m Going to Share a Simple Way to Get All 3 of These Nutrients

And in the right doses for you to feel blessed relief. Guaranteed.

But in order to find the best solution to shut off nerve pain and heal the nervous system at the same time, I couldn’t stop there.

I owed it to patients like Mary, my late father, and you, too. Fortunately, by this time my search was paying off in spades. And it led me to another nutrient you’ll want to add to your regimen, as well.

It’s an antioxidant called Acetyl-L-carnitine.

Acetyl-L-carnitine gives you the best of all worlds. That’s because studies show it stimulates nerve growth factor (which is a critical protein to build new nerve cells).

It’s also been shown to regenerate the tiny nerves running through your fingers and toes, and to relieve nerve discomfort.7

And of course, nothing I recommend to my patients is going to be harmful, and acetyl-L-carnitine is no different.

This Blood Sugar Balancer Also Relieves Burning and Stabbing

There’s one last nutrient that truly makes my discovery work like Miracle Gro for your nerves. For starters, it can help balance blood sugar levels. And even give you greater benefits from the other ingredients I’ve shared with you!

It’s Alpha Lipoic Acid, or ALA.

In one study, scientists split people with erratic blood sugar levels into two groups. One got 300 milligrams of ALA, the other got a placebo.

For 8 weeks the scientists recorded each person’s fasting blood glucose and after-breakfast glucose levels. The result?

Those taking the ALA had a “significant decrease” in both glucose measures.

And after the 8 weeks, the ALA group still showed better fasting glucose and insulin numbers over placebo, too!8

In addition to its effects on blood sugar, look at how ALA revives a healthy nerve network:

In a double-blind study of 181 patients with nerve discomfort, scientists gave one group 600 milligrams of ALA.

After 5 weeks, the patients all reported back on changes in their telltale symptoms: things like burning, stabbing, numbness, and “pins and needles.” And the result?

Those taking ALA saw “significant improvements” in burning and stabbing. In fact, the severity dropped by more than half!9

Finally, ALA also increases circulation, so it can help deliver more of the nerve-strengthening nutrients you’ve just seen!

Until now, you’ve only been told by doctors, specialists, and the media how to temporarily relieve some of the discomfort.

But now, you know about 5 healing nutrients that can actually fix the hidden culprit altogether, by repairing and rebuilding a healthy nerve network.

A nerve network that reunites your nerves and brain, as they should be. For complete nerve support, comfort, and healthy sensory perception.

Imagine if you had all these ingredients in one helping, in the same doses from these clinical studies.

Well, now you can.

Finally, a Natural Way to Shut Off Nerve Pain and Repair Your Nervous System

You see, Texas-based health company Primal Labs caught wind of my research on nerve pain.

They approached me to create a nerve health breakthrough that’s now bringing back comfort all over the nation.

Primal Labs works with leading natural health doctors, scientists and formulators around the world to bring you clinically supported relief from some of life’s toughest ailments.

So I knew that my research could be put to use by a reputable company dedicated to changing lives every single day.

In fact, more than one million people now trust Primal Labs with improving their health. That’s why Primal made the Inc. 5000 list as one of America’s fastest-growing companies, three years running.

It’s also why our nerve pain formula is becoming so popular coast to coast. In fact, folks who’ve taken the ingredients in this breakthrough have said things like…
“This has made it possible for a 75-year-old man to walk two miles a day.”
“The only thing that has helped me! No more burning, needle pricking feeling when trying to sleep! Can’t live without it now that I’ve tried it!”
“I found that by the end of the first day the feeling came back in my feet. I had very little feeling in my feet and hands, and after one month I have good feeling in my hands and very little discomfort in my feet.”
“I have received good results from the very first day I took it! I’m not kidding. I really wasn’t sure it was true but after a week I knew it was. No more pins and needles feeling in my feet when I went to bed!! What a relief. I could sleep comfortably again.”
“Your supplement has helped my husband a great deal and made his life more livable. When he is on your supplements he is able to do so much more and be in a better pain-free day. Thank You!”

This is why our product has become so popular. It’s called…

Advanced Nerve Support

When you order Advanced Nerve Support today, you can rest assured you’re getting only the highest quality ingredients from carefully vetted suppliers around the world.

In fact, we only do business with suppliers who follow strict quality control inspections at each stage in their manufacturing process… and can prove it.

All the clinical dosages of these potent ingredients are formulated right here in the USA. Our facility is FDA-registered and inspected, and follows all current Good Manufacturing Practices safety standards.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were your nerves.
So to naturally repair them, you need to consistently supply their delicate network with the nutrients they crave.

Make Advanced Nerve Support part of your daily routine, just like your other favorite supplements, and you’ll be amazed at the renewal you’ll feel throughout your body.

(Not to mention the renewed confidence you’ll feel to tackle your day and get maximum enjoyment from it.)

All this is waiting for you when you try Advanced Nerve Support today.

Imagine feeling no more burning, freezing, or pins and needles.

Imagine not having to reach for the hot or cold packs, painkillers, creams, or other stopgap solutions anymore.

Most importantly, imagine the freedom you’ll feel to work, play, and live how you want. On your terms and in total confidence. No nursing homes or assisted living for you!

After trying Advanced Nerve Support, you won’t need to imagine any of that. You’ll be living it!

Order with confidence knowing you’re protected by our…

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

When you claim your own supply of Advanced Nerve Support today, you won’t risk a single cent. Because you’re protected by our ironclad 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

If you don’t feel any improvement in your nerve discomfort within 60 days of buying the product, you’ll get your money back.

No hassles, no questions asked.

You Won’t Find These Savings Anywhere Else

You won’t even find them on Primal Labs’ dedicated website. Once you leave this page, your discount leaves too.

Speaking of discounts, right now you can get incredible savings on this popular formula.

You can start relieving the tingling, numbness, burning, stabbing, crawling sensations you may have been battling with… and get back to your active life at the same time.

What would that be worth to you?

To no longer have nerve discomfort top of mind? To get back the freedom to go about life as you please?

Many folks would pay a pretty penny for that. And many already do, even when they don’t have to.

See, if you were to buy all 5 of the healing ingredients in Advanced Nerve Support separately, you’d likely be spending over $100 per month.

After all, that would be 5 separate nutritional supplements.

Nevermind the fact that you’d have to seek out the right dose of each of these ingredients, too.

So you can see how getting all 5 nerve-healthy ingredients in one convenient package is far better.

Plus, imagine all the time, effort and money you’d also save on temporary fixes like hot and cold packs, lotions, painkillers, creams and specialist appointments. All of a sudden that’s far more than $100.

But you won’t have to spend anything close to $100 to get your hands on Advanced Nerve Support.

Since you’ve read my important message this far, you’ll get to support your nerves at a tiny fraction of that price.

In fact, you won’t even have to spend $50 to enjoy it!

Right now, you can grab a month’s supply of Advanced Nerve Support for just $39.99!

Since we’re offering you and the millions of Americans suffering with nerve discomfort a chance to grab Advanced Nerve Support at such a low price, we’re expecting inventory to sell very quickly.

Because of this,many of our best customers end up ordering several bottles at a time. That way they have enough supply on hand to really start feeling the results.

After all, the longer you take Advanced Nerve Support, the better you’ll feel. Its powerful formula works better and better over time.

That’s why today, I’d like to do something special.

Only Here, Take 25% Off the Regular Price

If you choose to invest in 6 bottles today, you can end up getting Advanced Nerve Support for just 99 cents a day!

Yes, a bottle of Advanced Nerve Support is yours for just $29.96 per bottle when you try 6 bottles today.

That’s 25% off the regular price! Securing multiple bottles also gives our customers peace of mind knowing they won’t run out.

And now, since the word has spread to our customers’ friends and family, it’s put even greater pressure on our supply chain. So it’s difficult to keep enough Advanced Nerve Support around to meet the rising demand. We do have out-of-stocks!

For this reason, I strongly recommend you choose at least 3 bottles of Advanced Nerve Support… and 6 bottles if you want the greatest results and most savings.

A single bottle of Advanced Nerve Support will kickstart your nerve network to begin repairs…

While continuing to use it for a full three months provides you with improved results and ongoing protection…

And when you use Advanced Nerve Support for a full six months, that’s when the greatest magic happens.

Because you’re truly giving your nervous system enough time to repair, like a root network gets strengthened with Miracle Gro.

You nourish and strengthen the nerves in your body, to protect you for the long term.

This is not about the money for me.

It’s about helping good people like you put an end to the burning, tingling, and numbness. And putting an end to the misery and the isolation that nerve pain can cause.

That’s why I made Primal Labs agree to make this as affordable as possible while still maintaining a business.

So just choose the package below that’s right for you, while you still can… since you’re protected anyway by our no-questions-asked, 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

You’ve got 60 full days to try this proven effective nerve formula. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply return the product for a full refund.

Even if you’ve already used a complete bottle!

“I have felt a HUGE difference…”

People benefitting from the ingredients in Advanced Nerve Support are gushing about the results:
“The ingredients are helping me with rebuilding my nerves. I have recommended that other family members also use them.”
“I went a really long time dealing with shooting discomfort on the top of my feet. I mean it was really bad, kept me up nights, and prevented me from my nightly walks. Since I started taking these ingredients about 2 months ago I have felt a huge difference in the discomfort. For any of you who suffer from nerve discomfort, please give this a shot.”

Once you click the button below, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page to review your order. And please don’t worry, you’ll still have plenty of time to confirm Advanced Nerve Support is right for you.

Your order page is fully secured with the latest, safest internet security. We use proven SSL technology to ensure your information is always kept private and protected. And your privacy matters to us: We will never rent or sell your personal information to anyone. You are 100% protected.


This page has gone viral and has now been viewed over one million times.

Advanced Nerve Support has been a top-seller at Primal Labs and we’ve been struggling to keep it in stock. Customers are not only grabbing multiple bottles for themselves, but also for friends and loved ones.

So be sure to click on the package you want below, while it’s still in stock!

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That’s less than a dollar a day!


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60-DAY Money Back Guarantee

You’ve got 60 full days to try this proven effective nerve formula. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply return the product for a full refund. Even if you’ve already used a complete bottle!
“It has reduced the numbness and stiffness in my hands that I can once again do many things now that I could not do before.”
“I think it does help the nerves in my feet. My pain drives me nuts. Since taking it the pain is less a lot of the time.”
“These were recommended to me for nerve discomfort I have. I noticed the difference right away, and was surprised how well these worked.”

If you have a question (or three or four) you can always call or email Primal Labs’ friendly customer service team. They are on-site in Texas from 8am–5pm Central Standard Time.

Dial toll-free 1-877-300-7849 or email support@primalhealthlp.com

Don’t just accept nerve pain… because nerve pain is unacceptable!

I’m Dr. Marlene Merritt, thanks for reading, and here’s to healthy nerves again!

Try Advanced Nerve Support for As Low As $29.96 per Bottle

That’s less than a dollar a day!


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60-DAY Money Back Guarantee

You’ve got 60 full days to try this proven effective nerve formula. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply return the product for a full refund. Even if you’ve already used a complete bottle!

Frequently Asked Questions about Advanced Nerve Support

How is Advanced Nerve Support different from other nerve formulas?

Good question. Every ingredient in Advanced Nerve Support is supported in clinical studies to either help relieve feelings of nerve discomfort or improve sensory perception. So not only will the combination of nutrients help address your annoying, painful symptoms, but they’ll help repair the nerve network head-to-toe!

This formula doesn’t just mask symptoms. It gets to the root of the problem by nourishing nerve cells. What’s more, unlike other formulas you’ll get at the health food store or online, if Advanced Nerve Support doesn’t work for you, you’ll get your money back! You get a full 60 days to try out this effective formula and put it to the test.

Is it safe to take Advanced Nerve Support?

Absolutely. Every ingredient is shown in human studies to be safe without any adverse effects. Advanced Nerve Support uses the same doses as the studies to ensure you get the same benefits the volunteers got.

Plus, every single capsule is formulated right here in the USA in an FDA-registered and inspected facility. The facility follows all current Good Manufacturing Practices safety standards. Every batch of Advanced Nerve Support is rigorously tested for purity, quality, and dosage before it’s ever shipped to a customer. Then, and only then, will we allow the product to leave the warehouse.

Plus, Advanced Nerve Support contains no egg, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, soy, wheat, gluten, sugar or preservatives. Enjoy this pure formula on your way to healthy, comfortable nerves!

How many people are using Advanced Nerve Support?

Thousands of people all over North America! From Tennessee to Toronto, and California to Kalamazoo. And they’re raving about their results. Jo Ann from Arizona said, “I have a lot of pain and discomfort in my feet and lower legs. I find the Advanced Nerve Support supplement provides relief. I am pleased with the results.” Pamela from New York said the ingredients worked so well she, “Ordered another bottle. It works for my nerve pain without side effects.” While Cyndi from Tennessee said it short and sweet: “I love it! It works.”

Can I buy this anywhere else?

No. Advanced Nerve Support is only available direct from Primal Labs. This way, we cut out the middleman to keep prices as low as possible. After all, if the product were available in stores or via a third-party site, there would have to be a big markup for those resellers to cover all kinds of costs. (Never mind the juicy profit margins that executives demand.) I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s just not fair to ask you to pay for them!

How do I use Advanced Nerve Support?

That’s simple. It literally takes seconds each day. Just take 2 capsules with a meal every day. It’s important to take 2 capsules every day for best results. Like anything worthwhile, consistency really pays off for your nerve health!

If you’re taking other supplements or medications, always check with your doctor to ensure a proper dosing schedule.

How do I order Advanced Nerve Support?

Easily! Just click on the order button below and choose one of the bundle options on the next page. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to confirm your order after clicking on the right bundle for you.

You’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your details so we know where to ship your supply! If you’re in the United States, you’ll receive your order between 7 and 10 business days.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

Most people who use Advanced Nerve Support as directed are thrilled with their results. But we understand not every single body is the same! So if you don’t feel a difference, that’s OK, because there’s absolutely no risk to you. Remember, your purchase is fully protected by our 60-day Money Back Guarantee. If you aren’t happy with the product for any reason (or no reason) simply let us know by calling toll-free 877-300-7849. Or by emailing support@primalhealthlp.com.

Then you’ll get a prompt refund to your credit card. Refunds are quick, courteous and no questions asked. (Please note it can take 5 to 7 business days for the credit to appear on your credit card statement.)

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